Wednesday, January 19, 2011



So Here is what im working on so far for portfolio. Preliminary stuff. Essentially my portfolio is gunna show the progression of the 1950's housewife into modern times.

Second semester started, so far it seems easier. Who knows maybe I AM actually learning and getting better at this whole camera stuff. I have emailed one of the most incredible underwater photographers that I have seen so far, by the name of Chris Crumley. Check his stuff out....

He really is an inspiration to me. Hopefully he will be rad and want me to come work for him for placement. Then hopefully I will impress him with my awesomeness and he will say " Hey you should come work here full time" Then I could get a green card and live in the states.

Oh what a perfect world that would be.

Anyways, thats it for now, check back for more stuff, such as my lovely movie poster.